The forum was successfully carried out!
The organizers thank to all the participants and speakers.                         — CT/ GS/ YN

Time:    Tuesday, 2nd October, 14:30-19:00
Place:   Auditorium

Final Program

14:30  Giulio Sandini

Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
 Welcome and Motivation

14:50   Céline Pieters

 “Rhetoric and Robotics”

15:10   Hiroshi Ishiguro

Osaka University and ATR, Japan
“Roles of humanlike robots in our future”

15:40   Giacomo Cimini  (Movie)

Film Director, Wonder Room Productions
“The Nostalgist”

16:00   Coffee Break
16:30   Carme Torras

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC-UPC), Spain
Discussion about “Nostalgist”

16:40   Carme Torras

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC-UPC), Spain
“Science fiction fosters ethics debate in Robotics and AI”

17:10   Sara Martín-Alegre (cancelation)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
“Sex and the Humaniform Robot: Between Science Fiction and Robosexuality”

Yoshihiko Nakamura (substitution)

University of Tokyo , Japan
“Robotics and Sports”

17:40   Martina Morasso (*1) and Pietro Morasso (*2)

(*1) TanzNetzDresden, Germany
(*2) Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy
“Beyond Motor Imagery for Cognitive Choreography”

18:10   Martina Morasso

TanzNetzDresden, Germany
 Dance improvisation session

18:40  Giulio Sandini

Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
Concluding Remarks




Robotics began as a branch of engineering and the physical sciences with application to industrial automation. Today robots are taking new roles that go well beyond mechanistic work in production lines, impacting directly on people in their everyday lives. This move from industrial robotics to social robotics poses new challenges that require the concourse of researchers from the humanities. Philosophy, psychology and law are shedding principled light on some of these challenges, while science-fiction literature and the visual and performing arts freely fantasize about plausible snapshots of the future and what a world, populated by autonomous artificial systems, may look like.

This forum invites distinguished speakers from the humanities to begin a dialogue with the robotics community. The aim is to understand how we can bridge the unnecessary divide between the two communities and to foresee the many beneficial implications if, and when, we succeed in doing so


The forum has been accepted as a half-day program by the IROS2018 Program Committee. The date and time will be suggested by the committee and announced shortly in this WEB page. All participants of IROS2018 are cordially invited to join the forum. The organizers are happy to hear your suggestions and feedback about the program.


Photo: Speakers, guests and organizers at ICRA2013 Forum.

(in alphabetical order)

Prof. Yoshihiko Nakamura
Department of Mechano-Informatics
School of Information Science and Technology
University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Giulio Sandini
Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Unit
Center for Human Technologies
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
G. Sandini

Prof. Carme Torras
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
CSIC-UPC, Barcelona, Spain
C. Torras



The first forum on `Robotics Meets the Humanities´ was organized by Profs. G. Sandini and Y. Nakamura at ICRA’13. Among the speakers there were university professors in engineering and the humanities, a filmmaker, an actor in the performing arts, and a representative from the European Commission. Each gave a short talk and all participated in a final round table. Following this pioneering initiative, we propose to hold a new version at IROS’18.