Human-Machine Communication Project Human-Machine Communication Project
ロボットの脳を創る Robot Brain Project


1. 2008.2.20 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, Italy Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Roma, Italy

2. 2008.2.21 University of Rome, La Sapienza University of Rome Roma, Italy

3. 2008.3.9-15 ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference on Robotics Shonan International Village Shonan, Kanagawa

4. 2008.10.28-29 First France-Japan Research Workshop on Human-Robot Interaction Tohoku Univ Sendai

5. 2008.11.4 First International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR-2008) Venice Italy

6. 2008.10.22 2nd IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics Scottsdale Arizona, USA

7. 2008.11.07 University of Goettingen, Prof. Florentin Woergoetter Gottingen Germany

8. 2008.6.4 NAC Fair Seminar: "Science, Informatics, and Robots" Akibahara Tokyo

9. 2008.9.30 Humanoid Robots: State of the Art from Real Platforms Toulouse France

10. 2009.3.16 Robotics Symposia: Organized Session "Dynamics Theory Opens Door to Robot Intelligence" Noboribetsu Japan

11. 2009.5.12 IEEE ICRA Workshop on Stochasticity in Robotics and Biological Systms Kobe Japan

12. 2009.5.12 IEEE ICRA Workshop on Stochasticity in Robotics and Biological Systms Kobe Japan

13. 2009.10.11 IEEE/RSJ IROS Workshop, Biologically-Inspired Robots, "Many Pathways Between Biology and Robotics" St. Louis Missouri, USA

14. 2009.10.29 IARP Workshop on Service Robotics and Nanorobotics, "Electro-Hydrostatic Transmission for Backdrivable Robotic Actuators" Beijing China

15. 2009.11-12 Invited Professor Chair, College de France “Contemporary Study in Humanoid Robotics” Paris France

16. 2009.12.10 2009 IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots, "Neuromusculoskeletal Human Modeling from Robotic Optimization and Algorithms" Paris France

17. 2009.12-22 LAAS, “Recent Studies of Human Modeling at University of Tokyo” Toulouse France

18. 2010.2.22 National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

19. 2010.5.4 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Anchorage, Alaska, USA

20. 2010.7.15 3DMA-10 San Francisco, CA, USA

21. 2010.12.14 9th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR 2010) Singapole

22. 2010.9.30 French-Japan Meeting on Technologies for Helping People with Physical Disabilities Tokyo

23. 2010.10.6 DFG Workshop on "Linking Neuroscience to Robotics: How complex machines benefit from brain theory" Tokyo

24. 2010.12.10 Workshop: Humanoids: What next? Applications, Challenges, and Perspectives, IEEE Humanoids 2010 Nashville, TN, USA

25. 2011.1.22 骨関節疾患シンポジウム アクロス福岡、福岡市

26. 2011.7.3 東京大学工学部サイエンスカフェ 東京 合気道×力学

27. 2011.5.2 対災害ロボティクスタスクフォース公開シンポジウム 東京大学弥生講堂 震災復興にむけて ロボット技術のいま

28. 2011.5.11 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011) Shanghai, China ICRA Special Forum: Preliminary Report on the Disaster and Robotics in Japan

29. 2011.6.6 IUTAM Symposium on Human Body Dynamics: From Multibody Systems to Biomechanics Waterloo, Canada Musculoskeletal Morphing from Human to Mouse

30. 2011.6.22 8th Progress in Motor Control meeting (PMC VIII) Cincinnati, OH, USA A Mathematical Approach from Motion Analysis to Spinal Reflex Modeling

31. 2011.8.30 15th International Symposium of Robotics Research, Beyond Robotics Session Flagship, AZ, USA Computational Human Model as Robot Technology

32. 2011.9.27 2011 IEEE-RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2011) Beyond the Horizon San Francisco, CA, USA Robots prototype humans

33. 2011.5.13 ICRA2011 Workshop on Towards Autonomous Physical Human-Robot Interaction Shanghai, China Toward Actuator Innovation for Physical Human-Robot Interaction

34. 2011.10.10 JST-NSF Workshop on Cognitive Robotics Los Angeles, CA, USA GPGPU-Based Computation of Human Modes for Cognitive Robotics

35. 2011.10.22 長崎市科学館 青少年のための科学の祭典2011 長崎市 知能を持つヒューマノイドロボット

36. 2011.11.18 日本臨床バイオメカにクス学会 神戸市 全身の筋骨格モデルとその計算方法

37. 2011.12.6-7 九州大学 航空宇宙工学専攻修士課程 誘導制御特別講義 博多市 ヒューマノイドロボット学

38. 2012.02.20 三菱電機講演会 兵庫県尼崎市 Humanoid Robotics: Modeling Human Motion and Bahavior and its Application

39. 2012.04.24 BioVision Alexandria 2012, Bibliotheca Alexandria Alexandria, Egypt Humanoid and Human Modeling

40. 2012.05.18 Symposium on Robotic Solutions Toward Nuclear Decommission, IEEE ICRA2012 St. Paul, MN, USA Preliminary Invitation to a New TC, Pannel Discussion

41. 2012.06.08 Seminari del Centro Piaggio Pisa, Italy Anatomical and Behavioral Modeling of Human as Robotic Technologies

42. 2012.06.13 Robotics: Scieence and Technology, College de France Paris, France Robotics Technology and Human Scieence

43. 2012.07.15 International Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, China (CCMMS) 2012 Huangshan, China Neuro Musculoskeletal Modeling of Human From Robotics

44. 2012.09.17 日本ロボット学会パネル討論会原子力ロボット技術と可能性、日本ロボット学会 札幌、北海道 学術的視点からの提言

45. 2012.10.04 CoTeSys/CREATE WORKSHOP, Munich, Germany Munich, Germany Actuator Challenge for Force Sensitive Robots

46. 2012.10.12 IEEE IROS Workshop on Learning and Interaction in Haptic Robots Vilamoura, Portugal Development of Actuators Toward Interaction by Force Sensitive Robots
